
Sunday, August 25, 2013

Urban Decay Anti-Aging Eyeshadow Primer Potion: Review

There has been so much buzz about Urban Decay's Anti-Aging Primer Potion, so I had to try it! This product truly has more than a cult following, and they only succeeding in making a great product better!
The Anti-Aging Eyeshadow Primer Potion will set you back $24 but is a enough to last you quite a while, ever since they changed their original packaging to their awesome squeeze tubes. No waste!
This works just like the original and pigmented versions. A little dab spread on each eyelid locks your shadow in all day and really increases the vibrancy.
Here is what UD has to say about this product: "Optical blurring pigments minimize flaws while Dermaxyl and Kalpariane fight the signs of aging. In a clinical study, 100% of participants had a measurable improvement in the appearance of wrinkles after 8 weeks of use."
Obviously I haven't used this for 8 weeks, but it does instantly soft focus my eyelids and I apply it on my under-eye as well and it holds my concealer beautifully. I am hoping it might improve the very fine lines starting to show up around my eyes, but so far, this is a great product with anti-aging benefits for a few bucks more. What is not to love?
Overall, if you see this product and need a back-up or a new eye primer, get this one! It applies beautifully, does everything the original does, but with benefits!
Have you tried this yet?
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  1. I did't know that UD had an anti aging eye primer! i would like to try this as well for the fine lines under my eyes! Great review!!

    1. Thanks Ashley! It really is pretty amazing!

  2. I want to try this one! You've convinced me!

    1. YAY! I think you will really like it Tracy!

  3. I remember looking at this one but gotta use up my originals first! I think the soft focus part is genius, will make a note to check this out when I'm through with my current primers.

    1. Yeah, definitely not needed if you are swimming in primers, but good for down the road!

  4. I didn't even hear about this coming out! I'd love to give it a go as I'm only 22 and getting fine lines :(

    1. I know...I can't believe I have fine lines at 23! EEK


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