
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Franken Tuesday: Lady Sybil Branson

Happy Franken Tuesday...almost made it...still Tuesday here!

Back to Downton Abbey! I am having major withdrawals, but here is a polish to try and get us all out of that funk. This is called Lady Sybil Branson.

And here is the darling couple. I love that Lady Sybil is so different from her sisters. She has a big heart and knows that love is love, no matter who it is between.
I put two coats of this glitter on my ring and middle fingers with two coats of Sally Hansen Pink Satin (a metallic purple/rose) on ever other finger.
This is really not a complex polish. Very tiny lilac/rose glitter and larger teal hex glitter make up a fun, girly, but decidedly different polish fit for Sybil.
I love the way this looks!! So adorable. I am just loving the glitter bombs. Always remember the pvc glue method or risk scrubbing forever!
Only 2 more frankens left and the contest is ending soon. Enter Enter ENTER
I promise you won't be sorry!!
Enjoy the rest of your Tuesday!


  1. The contrasting colours and glitter sizes are so fun and girly! :)

  2. this is such a pretty glitter! Don't forget to enter my I ♥ Makeup giveaway!


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