
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Blue Mascara!

Grad school really can do a number on one's face. This morning I wanted a pop of color to wake up my eyes, and decided to finally reach for Maybelline's Great Lash in Royal Blue

If you have been following this blog, you know that I AM NOT a fan of Great Lash. But for colored mascaras? It is surprisingly good. Colored mascaras are dramatic on their own, so you don't really need a ton of volume or it would be overkill. The slightly watery formula of Great Lash and small brush also give you precision with colored formulas.
This is a little bit brighter than what I would classify as Royal Blue. But that is good! If I am buying a colored mascara, I want to see it!
Lovely shade. I've also heard that you can use colored mascara as temporary hair streakers. Maybe I will try it! It certainly is bright enough! And only $6!!
This is a really pretty accent, and I kept the rest of my makeup minimal. But look how bright it makes my eyes look? For once, I am digging Great Lash! Who would have thought?
Final Thoughts: For a night out or to shake up your routine, try this bright blue if you dare! The normally disappointing Great Lash formula works wonders for color!
Price: 9/10
Staying Power: 8/10
Packaging: 10/10
Color/Wearability: 8/10
Quality/Branding: 9/10
Total: 44/50 = B+ = Happy Panda!
Do you wear colored mascaras? Which ones are your favorites?
xoxo PrettyPanda


  1. ok I LOATHE Great Lash, but I was curious about their new colored mascaras, so this review is PERFECT. Blue mascara is the best but they can be so expensive, so I'll definitely be checking this one out. Thank youu :D

    1. I know, I hate it too! Who would have thought?? No problem, always glad to help a fellow makeup junkie!


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