
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Stay Shine Free this Summer

Hello there!

So, it is officially Summer now, according to the calendar. I used to always use those blotting papers, you know the little blue ones? I stopped for some reason. I think mostly because they did nothing for me.

I decided to give blotting papers a try again. Enter NYX matte blotting papers, 50 sheets for $5. That is a little steep for me. It is just paper right? Wrong. Miracle workers in a little slim case.

I like sticking with NYX because I know they are cruelty free amidst all of this Urban Decay/MAC etc nonsense. And they tell me to be sexy. Okay NYX. With your miracle papers I can be.

Seriously though, these sop up oil and leave you totally matte for hours. And unlike other ones, they do not leave a weird residue or interrupt your make up. These are coming to Hawaii with me.

Final Thoughts: Only get if you are extremely oily, or are obsessive with touching up. Otherwise they will be a waste. If you have to put on extra moisturizer in the summer, then these aren't for you. But if you are an oil slick like me by noon -- run, don't walk.

Price: 6/10
Staying Power: N/A
Packaging: 10/10
Color/Wearability: N/A
Quality/Branding: 10/10

Total: 26/30 = B = Panda is Pleased

Do you use blotting sheets? Tried these? I want to know!

xo PrettyPanda

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